Beginner Sewing Workshop
Have you ever wished you could sew? Do you know a child who wants to learn? You are in the right place! My Beginner Sewing Workshop will help new sewers create projects they love so they can have fun and enjoy learning to sew.
Sewing Kits for Beginners
Get Social!
I would love to see your project! Post it in the private Crosscut Sewing Facebook Group and on Instagram using #crosscutsewing or tag me, @crosscutsewing.
My Favorite Beginner Tools
You Don't Need Experience or a Fancy Setup

Do I need a sewing machine?
Yes, you will need a sewing machine but the quick start guide included in the class will give you some ideas on borrowing, renting or buying one.
Do I need a lot of supplies?
Nope! The projects are designed to use basic supplies, most of which you already have in your house.
I know a child who wants to learn, how can I teach something I don't know?
You don't! I am the teacher. If you are following this class with a child, your job is to learn along with us, make sure the child is using tools safely and to facilitate.
Should I follow the videos in order?
If you are new to sewing, I recommend watching them in order since one builds on the last. If you just need a refresher, you can just rewatch that video.